Are there differences in public health in the different Autonomous Regions?

Since 2004 since the Federation of Associations for the Defence of Public Health Care reports are carried out on the Health situation in the Autonomous Communities.

Since 2009 health services have suffered a continuous aggression due to the cuts imposed, between 15,000 and 21,000 million euros less in the budget, cuts that have taken place in all the Autonomous Regions, but with a different intensity in each one of them.

In this post we will discuss the differences between the Autonomous Communities with regard to health systemsand an analysis of the intensity of the cuts and the deterioration of the Public Health.

On the basis that the maximum score that can be achieved for each region and for each question is 106 and the minimum is 26, the scores obtained are as follows:

  • If we analyse the Autonomous Regions with best health servicesthe top 3 is made up of Navarre (83), Aragon (82) and Basque Country (82).
  • The Autonomous Regions with regular health services: Castilla y León (73), Asturias (69), Castilla la Mancha (68), Extremadura (68), Galicia (68), La Rioja (68).
  • The Autonomous Regions with poor health services: Cantabria (64), Madrid (62), the Balearic Islands (60) and Andalusia (57).
  • The Autonomous Regions with poorer health services: Catalonia (55), Murcia (55), Canary Islands (49) and Valencia (46).

The difference between ACs is clearly excessive, at 37 points out of a maximum of 83.

If we make a comparison of the last 8 years, we can see that Navarre has almost always been in the top 1 in terms of the relative position of the Autonomous Regions. Valencia has occupied the last rank 7 out of 8 years analysed.

The top five positions in the last 7 years have been occupied by the same ACs but with changes in the positions.
The most surprising change in the last Report gives it to us Andalusia, Cantabria and Murcia which are all down by 4 places.

The most notable increases are those of Castilla la Manca and Extremadura, which are up 7 places.

Funding, resources and operations

The Autonomous Regions with higher per capita health budget in 2016 is Asturias1,587.77 euros. The Autonomous Regions with Catalonia has the lowest health budget per capita1,133.18 euros.
The Autonomous Regions with more beds per 1,000 inhabitants is Aragonwith 3.63 beds. The ACs with fewer beds per 1,000 inhabitants are Castilla la Mancha and Andalusia2.19 each.

The Autonomous Regions with The largest number of operating theatres is Navarrewith 11. fewer operating theatres has is Cantabria with 8.

The higher pharmaceutical expenditure per capita in 2015 took place in Extremadura276.46.

Citizen's opinion of the service provided by the Public Health Service, from 0 to 10

The highest score that citizens give to the public health system is in NavarreThe other two countries are the Canary Islanders have a negative opinion of the Public Health Servicewith 5.80 out of 10.
The higher percentage of people who choose public health care for hospitalisation can be found at Aragon and Galicia77.9%. The AC with lowest score given to this question is Balearic Islandswith 52.3%.



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