Malaga faces a new future

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Energy as a key competitive role

ActionMK was present yesterday at the forum "Malaga faces a new future"organised by Diario Sur in collaboration with the CajaSol Foundation in Malaga, where various matters of interest were discussed, which will be dealt with below.

Álvaro Nadal, minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agendayesterday in Malaga that, if it were not for the government's energy reform, the electricity bill "would now be 42% more expensive". In addition, he assured that with the planned measures "they were working to substantially reduce costs"; placing a percentage of between 5 and 10 percent in 2020 for companies and families. A situation he contrasted with that of exporting companies, which, as Nadal pointed out, do not come to his office to ask for anything because "they have enough to compete".

Nadal, due to his triple implication role in government, spoke yesterday of energy as a key role in competitiveness; arguing that every euro more in energy is a euro less in wages or innovation in companies.

The minister shared messages that revolved around current issues, raised by the audience through the director of SUR, Manuel Castillo, trying to link them to the thesis of his conference: the Spanish economy as "a success story" since the mid-twentieth century.

Continuing in this line of evolution in the future, Nadal gave a great deal of data on Spain's new export profile, defining it as "an advanced economy and the seventh largest economy in the world", but regretting that even though it has a clear training potential and digital infrastructures, it lacks a social, political and media focus on the digital revolution in which the way in which the country participates will mark the future of all sectors and of education.

He also defended that "economic success is the result of the efforts of the last two generations, to whom nobody has given anything as a gift". He also expressed his concern that there is a political debate that focuses on the distribution and distribution of income, rather than on how to generate more economic activity and employment, produce and sell more to the world.

The head of the governing party's economy explained that leading countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Germany should be an example for Spain; and argued that to continue with its success story, Spain should propose three strategic lines in the areas of its competence: energy, tourism and digitalisation.
In his speech, Nadal also considered the different reforms of the PP government since 2011 and assured that the price of electricity will fall between 5 and 10 percent from 2020 due to measures such as the freezing of regulated prices in terms of premiums and distribution, gas prices, and the improvement of the financing of the tariff deficit.



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