Plan for

There is no point in doing it well if you do not communicate to your customers the value that your brand can bring them. That is why it is important to take a step forward and convey the essence of your brand to users through a communication plan. With advertising strategies, activation campaigns and other tools, the brand is brought to life, the strategic marketing plan is put into practice and the company's identity is put to the test.

We draw up your communication plan in Malaga

We understand that creating a communication plan is a meticulous and strategic process, tailored to the unique needs of each client. From the initial understanding of your company's situation to the execution and subsequent monitoring, our focus is on developing a personalised and effective communication plan that drives your brand's success and relevance in a competitive marketplace.

  • Analysis of the current situation: We evaluate the resources available, study the characteristics of the market and the competition and analyse the preferences of your audience to get an idea of the internal and external context of your company.
  • Establishing communication objectives: We define clear and realistic objectives that allow us to guide our actions towards the achievement of tangible results. We adapt to the needs of your company and establish goals that serve as a guide within the communication plan.
  • Strategy selection: We choose the strategies and actions that best suit the objectives set. This includes determining the key messages, identifying the most effective channels and planning the specific activities to be carried out.
  • Creation of the action plan: We draw up a detailed communication plan, describing how the actions we have previously defined will be implemented. We create a calendar of contents and activities, assign responsibilities to each team member and determine the necessary resources.
  • Execution and implementation: We implement the actions of the communication plan in Malaga: we execute the campaigns, create and disseminate the content, manage any necessary events and carry out the public relations and marketing strategies.
  • Evaluation and monitoring: Once the actions are underway, we constantly monitor their performance, collecting data and comparing the results obtained with the initial objectives to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and make any necessary adjustments.

What does our communication plan include?

The communication plan that we produce at AccionMK is not a simple document. It is a tool that concentrates all the tactics and guidelines for the execution of a successful communication strategy, while ensuring the coherence and efficient transmission of your messages.

Although it is a dynamic tool that we adapt according to the specific needs of your project, we elaborate a basic communication plan with elements that will help you stand out from your competitors.

  • SWOT analysis: It is an essential planning tool. We assess in detail the internal and external factors that can influence the development of an effective communication strategy.
  • Audience analysis: We identify and understand the characteristics, needs and behaviours of your target audience to direct actions towards them.
  • Strategies and messages: We plan how we will achieve the objectives, from establishing the communication channels through which the actions will be carried out, to the tone, style and focus of the messages.
  • Communication channels: We plan how we will achieve your objectives, from choosing the most effective communication channels to reach your audience, to the tone, style and focus of your messages.
  • Timetable and budget: We set the date and estimated execution time for each action. We also draw up an estimated budget with the costs of the campaign.
  • Performance indicators: We establish the metrics and criteria by which the impact of the strategies included in the communication plan will be measured.


Market research is research to collect, analyse and understand relevant information about a specific market, including its consumers, competitors and trends.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audience: helps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competence: allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-making: provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reduce risks: By better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identify opportunities: allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audiencehelps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competenceThe following is an example: it allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-makingThe "strategic information": provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reducing risksby better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identifying opportunitiesThe "Business Opportunity Mapping": allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

The market studies are a specific part of market research.

The market research encompasses a broader approach that includes the analysis of data, trends, behaviours and market variables in general, while a market study focuses on a particular aspect or a specific market issue.

Market research can provide detailed information on market demographics, purchasing behaviour, consumer preferences, competitor analysis, market trends, among other data relevant to business decisions.

Market research in Malaga can be of great help to your company by providing valuable information that will allow you to improve products or services, identify growth opportunities, better understand customers, optimise marketing strategies and make more informed and accurate business decisions.

Request a quote

Don't be left wanting to grow. Tell us about your project, ideas or doubts, and we will study your case carefully to be able to give you an action plan and a personalised budget according to your needs, with no obligation! What are you waiting for?

Services that
we also offer

We offer a wide range of additional services to meet all your business needs.

Digital marketing could not exist without design.

By registering a trademark, a company is granted the exclusive right to prevent third parties from marketing identical or similar products.

The registration of trademarks and patents is done through the website of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.