AcciónMK leads a section in Quién es Quién magazine

AcciónMK has had the pleasure of leading a section in Quién es Quién magazine, a magazine produced by Diario Sur and San Telmo. Below we detail our day-to-day work in the media and marketing agencies sector.


We are in the midst of a metamorphosis process in an environment full of opportunities and where intrusiveness is still our greatest threat.

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The needs and demands of our clients have changed radically, and as a result, the sector has been transformed and is undergoing a metamorphosis.

The sector, throughout its value chain, has needed to redefine its service offering to become competitive again in an environment that changes almost daily. The media no longer just offer you their advertising support They also offer you the service of creativity, design or digital strategies for online positioning; or the design or creativity studios have been reconverted into advertising agencies with comprehensive services both online and offline; another case are the computer companies that no longer just sell you software or computer maintenance, but also offer you to be the digital department, carrying out from the beginning of the project to the end of the project. strategic consultancy up to the implementation of any marketing actionThe printing companies no longer just print and set up the stand for a trade fair, they also organise the entire event for you. Printing companies no longer just print and set up the stand for a trade fair, but also organise the event in a comprehensive way. And this is the case throughout the entire value chain of our sector, from strategic and market research consultancies, creative studios, audiovisual agencies, communication offices, event agencies, advertising agencies and printers.

If we look at the figures, the high demand for services over the last two years has meant that Malaga is the leading Andalusian province in terms of the number of companies with 3,432, representing 29.8% of the sector in Andalusia and surpassing Seville with 2,988 companies.. We are in a province full of opportunities, becoming the focus of large companies in the sector that have decided to establish themselves in our capital.
This growth of the sector, both in terms of turnover and company creation, has led to a gap between the high demand for qualified employment and the low supply of professionals with the required skills, causing a recruitment of external talent to cover this current demand.

Another milestone is the change in consumer profile from "business to customer" to "business to human" modelstending towards personalisation where each client is made to feel unique. We are immersed in a technological revolution, an era marked by interaction in the digital and globalised environment, where it is no longer only necessary to be present on the web but also to be active and attractive.

Looking ahead We must continue working on the training and qualification of our professionals, as well as demanding the updating and adaptation of the regulatory framework to regulate these new changes, all of which will help us to fight against the intrusiveness that continues to be our greatest threat.

And in this future, we must continue to raise awareness among the entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises in Malaga. on the need to invest in market research as a tool basic for decision making in your company. Just like designing a KPI scorecard that monitors the return on investment (ROI) of each of the marketing actions executed based on previously set objectives.

The great goal to be achieved is the internationalisation of our sector.. Only the 10.3% of Andalusian companies are internationalisedwhose foreign sales weight of 64.28% represents 0< 10% of its revenues. The countries to which these services are exported are the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Portugal, which together account for 37.42% of exports.

Of the Andalusian companies in the sector that have not yet internationalised, 67.5% would be willing to internationalise.

We are facing a sector with accelerated growth, full of great opportunities and which is in the process of metamorphosis in order to adapt to the current situation.



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