If you want to create your own brand, know yourself first.

Following on from our post last week,"Create your own brand: Unique, different and personal".from AcciónMK would like to share with you how to create a brand (personal or corporate) in 5 stepsTo do this, the first question we have to ask ourselves is: Do you speak 2.0?


As we already know, the "Revolution 2.0, the social revolution, has changed everything. Many of the barriers to entry have disappeared, allowing progress to be made.  faster in the creation of your
Personal or Corporate Branding

The digital environment is the best business card to access traditional media, the rules have changed.


If you don't know well what you are able to do nor what really you want to achieve in your personal and professional life, much less know how to plan your strategy for

So answer the following questions to get to know yourself better:

  • In what I am goodWhat things do I do better than most people?
  • What do I difference of other professionals?
  • What are my skills and abilities?
  • What is the half in which I feel most comfortable?
  • Am I ready to be known to others?
  • What is my dream job?


The brand strategy will focus on your speciality and market niche chosen. Every conceivable thing has its niche market.


You must define your strategy: How to sell your brand?

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What are my objectives?
  • What can I offer to others?
  • What are my personal values?
  • Who is my customer profile?
  • How do I report it?

Once we are clear about where we are going: What tools are available to us? Networking, Internet, social networks...

  • BLOG: It is central to building a personal or corporate brand. You can think of it as a house: how do you treat your guests when they visit your home? It is important to select a domain with our name and surname, company name,sector, position,... Corporate blogs must be integrated into the website. Through the blog, we achieve positioning on the Internet (we improve the SEO of our website), ease of use, differentiation from the competition (we become content producers), updating the page with quality content, dissemination through the sharing of content on social networks (virality), we reach a wider target audience that is inaccessible through other means of communication.
  • SOCIAL NETWORKS: We are aware of the importance of social media, we know that we must be there to reach a wider audience, but do we really pay it the attention it deserves?

In this section, we will not discuss Facebook as we all know its relevance given that it is the most used social network (1,590 million users at the end of 2015). For this reason, we will mention 2 social networks that are "usually on" but are not used to their full potential: Linkedin y Twitter.

  1. LINKEDIN: Few people nowadays do not have their CV posted on this social network. But do we give it all the attention it deserves and are we aware of its potential? Probably not because we simply "post" our CVs. Thanks to the networking that Linkedin offers, we can connect with professionals in the sector, create synergies, get clients, participate in debates, keep up to date with news of interest, generate notoriety and online reputation... In short, reach a wider and more segmented target audience.
  2. TWITTERThe dynamism of this social network means that we sometimes do without it because we cannot keep up with it. However, it is a perfect tool for maintaining permanent contact with the community of followers, finding out the latest news through followers, getting an inexhaustible source of ideas, obtaining dissemination through a simple tweet, etc.

With creative messages, full of quality content we can reach a large number of users and achieve notoriety.

Other social networks you should be on if you can generate their contentare:

  • YOUTUBEIt is increasingly used as a content search engine by users. If you have the possibility of generating quality audiovisual content, it is the best place to publish it and reach a wider audience. A clear example of this is Pablo Alborán.
  • Image PLATFORMS 2.0: How many times have you heard: a picture is worth a thousand words? Nowadays we are able to retain images better than words. For this reason, if your brand has products and you have invested in quality images, Pinterest is a great ally to publish catalogues and get your photos shared by other users.
  • On the other hand, if you know that your audience is a regular user of InstagramInvite them to share your products on this social network and generate virality, sensations, unique moments... It will be your best commercial network.
  • Virtual shop windows. These are platforms that become your homepage:
    • About.meYou can create attractive profiles in a few minutes. It offers statistics on the number of people who visit the profile, interesting data about your activity in other social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc).
  • Flavor.meThe elegant and fast design makes it easy to create personal pages, unifying in one place all the online activity of social networks.

In short, choose your best 2.0 platform, select the one that you can provide with quality content, take care of it on a daily basis and don't forget: there are no good or bad brands, but good or bad content, well or badly managed.



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