How to make a digital marketing plan

Many companies can be frustrated by not knowing what to do or what are the first steps to take to implement a good business strategy.

Marketing is one of the cornerstones of any business, as it allows us to focus on the customer and create lasting relationships. Other important aspects such as distribution, communication, pricing, etc. are also studied.

That is why, in this post, we are going to leave you with 5 steps to a successful Online Marketing Plan.

If you have a good idea or you already have a business, it is the perfect time to consider how to do it right, from the start.

Contents of the article

How to make a digital marketing plan?

1º. Definition of the business, brand and products/services.

Before going into the digital marketing plan for your businessIt is vitally important to know ourselves and our brand, as this will be the pillar on which everything else is built.

First, we have to establish the business model we are going to develop. We can sell digital products, have an online shop, mobile applications, and a host of other options.

Second, we must know who we are addressing. It would be a mistake to think that we are going to target everyone with the idea that the more the merrier. We must focus our plan on a segment which we must know in depth.

We must know the attributes and values that we want to transmit with our brand.
Finally, we need to know what we want to sell, whether products or services. This product portfolio can be adapted over time to trends or simply to the current market.

2º. In-depth study of the market and competition.

It is essential to know our competition as well as we know ourselves. This analysis will always be in continuous evolution, as we can always know more about it and it will always be in constant evolution.

If we know our competitors, we will know what we can improve or what we can communicate. It also serves to inspire us and generate interesting ideas. It is not a copy and paste, but it can serve as a guide for us to make decisions. This is what is known as benchmarketing.

3º. Establish goals and objectives

If you have reached this point, it is because you have already defined all the above strategy. Now it is a matter of setting short- and long-term goals, i.e. what we want to achieve in a few months and what we want to achieve in years.

These objectives should be realistic, measurable and quantifiable. They can be in relation to sales, positioning, internal growth, etc. An example would be: Sell 35 products from June to July.

4º. Create a value proposition

Why would they buy from me instead of going to other shops?
A lot of time and effort needs to be spent here, because this can be the reason why our business is successful or not.

5º. Forms of online communication

Now, once you have implemented the above, we will decide how we are going to sell, how we are going to communicate and what actions we are going to take to improve the above.

We have already learned to how to make a digital marketing plan. Now it's your turn.

We can improve our e-commerce, we can advertise online and offline, we can send newsletters to our database, to inform about news or offers; we can make a SEO strategy for our shop to appear in the first Google search results; we can make an analysis of web user behaviour; and a long etcetera.

Of course, let's not forget to establish some KPI's (key performance indicators) to analyse how well or how badly we are doing. This will help us to change the strategy being employed.



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