How does the Facebook marketplace work? We tell you

Recently Facebook has given Internet users and users of this social network from Spain access to its Marketplace. Sixteen more European countries have joined the event, making it possible for users to buy and sell products with other users of this social network.

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How does the Facebook marketplace work?

In order to carry out a buying and selling process in this MarketplaceAfter this process, users have to take a picture of the item, make a detailed description of the product, along with the price and location data. It is then, after this process, that users can view the item, make offers or establish the method of payment and delivery.

As reported by Mark Zuckerbergthis Marketplace is not designed to allow payments of any kind. What it does allow is to search for products by category (electronics, fashion, garden, home, etc.) and to apply filters to the results broken down by location, category and price.

Facebook is well aware that half of all Spaniards buy and sell on online platforms. In fact, half of Spaniards sell things they don't use through second-hand platformsto get extra money.

The profile that fits this type of sale and purchase is female (53.8), young people between 18 and 24 years old (56.9%).

With regard to the geographical segmentation of the profile discussed above, concentrates on municipalities with more than 200,000 inhabitants (53,33%), as opposed to municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants (48,1%).

The Community of Valencia, Balearic Islands and Andalusia are the autonomous communities with the highest percentage of sales of second-hand goods in exchange for money. In contrast, Aragon and the Canary Islands are positioned as the cities with the least weight in this type of business.

With the evolution of technology in our country, we are entering into new consumption and savings habits, according to the IV Online Comparison Study on Smart Savings carried out by Rastreator.



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