What Does an Email Marketer Do? Everything You Need to Know

What Does an Email Marketer Do? Discover their main functions

Have you ever wondered what is a email marketer. An email marketer is a professional specialised in the planning, execution and analysis of email marketing campaigns. Their main mission is to strengthen the relationship with customers and boost conversions through strategically designed emails. Some of the most relevant functions that an email marketer performs are the following:

1. Mailing List Creation and Segmentation

Creating and segmenting mailing lists is critical to ensure that messages reach the right audience. An email marketer uses a variety of tools and tactics to build and segment these lists, based on demographics, purchasing behaviour, interests and more. According to a survey by Mailchimp, segmented campaigns have a 14.31% plus opening rate than non-segmented ones, which underlines the importance of this task.

2. Design and Drafting of Emails

The design and drafting of e-mails are essential to capture the attention of the recipient and convey the message effectively. An email marketer must work on creating compelling and relevant content, as well as the visual design of the email that aligns with the brand's identity. According to Litmus, 62% of marketers believe that personalisation in email significantly increases customer interaction.

3. Campaign Analysis and Optimisation

After sending a campaign, an email marketer's work does not end. It is crucial to perform a detailed analysis of the results, using metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, conversions and bounce rates. This analysis helps to identify areas for improvement and optimise future campaigns. According to HubSpot, companies that use data and analytics for their email marketing strategies experience a growth rate of 20% in their conversion rates.


Do you need an email marketer?


Essential Tools an Email Marketer Uses

An email marketer who makes effective campaigns must have a series of essential tools that facilitate their work and maximise results. These tools are essential for the creation, automation and measurement of email marketing campaigns, thus ensuring an efficient and dynamic strategy. Below, we reveal the most important tools that every email marketer should take into account when designing their strategy. Keep the secret!

Email Marketing Automation Platforms

Automation platforms are essential to manage and send emails efficiently. Tools such as Mailchimp, HubSpot and Brevo allow you to create automated workflows, segment contact lists and personalise messages. According to a HubSpot study, companies that use automation in their email marketing strategies experience an 80% increase in their conversion rate.

Analysis and Measurement Software

For an email marketer running effective campaigns, it is crucial to measure and analyse results. Tools such as Google Analytics and Litmus provide detailed information on open rates, clicks, conversions and other KPIs. This data is essential to optimise future campaigns and understand user behaviour. According to Litmus, companies that implement detailed analytics in their campaigns are 53% more likely to exceed their goals.

Email Design Tools

Email design also plays a crucial role in the success of a campaign - a good picture is worth a thousand words!
Platforms such as Canva, Adobe XD and BEE Free allow you to create attractive and responsive designs without the need for advanced graphic design skills. A study by Campaign Monitor indicates that attractively designed emails are up to 26% more likely to be opened and read by recipients. 

These tools not only streamline the work of an email marketer making effective strategies, but also guarantee a better experience for recipients, thus increasing the chances of conversion and loyalty. Don't neglect this aspect in your strategy!



How an Email Marketer Improves Digital Marketing Strategy

At this point, we have to talk about how an email marketer plays a crucial role in improving the digital marketing strategy of any business owner, regardless of the size of the company. These specialised skills allow them to create effective email campaigns that increase open rates and return on investment (ROI). According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), the average ROI of email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent, underlining its effectiveness.

Definition and Role of an Email Marketer
An email marketer is a professional who specialises in creating, managing and optimising email marketing campaigns. This includes designing engaging newsletters, segmenting email lists to target specific audiences and analysing the results to make continuous adjustments and improvements. Keep an eye on the data! Segmentation is key: according to Mailchimp, segmented campaigns have 14,31% more opens and 100,95% more clicks than non-segmented campaigns. Take note!

H3: Segmentation Strategies
Target segmentation allows you to personalise your messages and make them more relevant to each recipient. For example, an email marketer who makes use of advanced segmentation techniques could divide their contact list according to buying behaviour, geographic location or even specific interests. This not only improves the user experience, but also increases the likelihood of conversion.

Analysis and Optimisation
An email marketer doesn't just send out mass messages; they also focus on the meticulous analysis of campaign metrics. Using tools such as Google Analytics or specific email marketing platforms (such as Mailchimp or HubSpot), these experts evaluate open rate, bounce rate, click-through rate and other key performance indicators (KPIs). By adjusting aspects such as subject lines, content and design according to the data obtained, the effectiveness of campaigns can be improved.

In short, an email marketer performs continuous analysis and applies advanced segmentation techniques, so business owners can substantially improve the effectiveness of their digital marketing strategies.


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Key Skills an Email Marketer Should Have

An email marketer who does their job effectively needs to master a number of skills. Below, we will look at some of the most important ones that every email marketer needs to possess. Identify them!

Knowledge of Automation Tools

An email marketer should be familiar with different automation tools such as Mailchimp, HubSpot and Brevo. These tools not only facilitate the creation and sending of emails, but also allow audience segmentation and personalisation of messages. According to a study by Statista, the use of email marketing automation tools has increased by 30% in the last five years. This underlines the importance of keeping up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the field.

Analytical and Data Interpretation Skills

The ability to analyse data is crucial for any email marketer. Data provided by analytics tools can offer valuable insights into campaign performance, such as open rates, click-through rates and conversions. According to Campaign Monitor, companies that use data to make decisions in their email marketing campaigns earn 25% more revenue than those that do not. Therefore, the ability to interpret this data and adjust strategies accordingly is an essential skill.

Persuasive and Conversion-Oriented Copywriting

We cannot forget about the message. The ability to write clear, concise and persuasive messages is another critical skill for an email marketer. Good copy can mean the difference between an email being ignored and one that generates a desired action, such as a purchase or subscription. According to Copyblogger, 80% of people read only the subject line, so compelling copy from the outset is vital. Creative subject lines and the ability to hold the reader's interest throughout the email are essential to ensure successful campaigns.

These are just some of the essential skills that every email marketer who does an effective job must have. Each of these skills contributes significantly to the overall success of email marketing campaigns and, therefore, to business growth.

Success Stories: Examples of Email Marketer's work

Segmentation and Personalisation Strategy

An email marketer who makes use of segmentation and personalisation can significantly increase the effectiveness of their campaigns. According to a HubSpot study, segmented emails have 14,31% more opens and 100,95% more clicks than non-segmented emails. For example, one small e-commerce company used advanced segmentation to divide their subscriber list into groups based on purchase behaviour, browsing history and geographic location. This strategy allowed them to send highly personalised messages, resulting in a 20% increase in conversion rates.

Email Marketing Automation

Automation is another powerful technique that a successful email marketer can implement. According to Statista data, automated marketing can increase conversion rates by 50%. One notable success story is that of a SaaS software company that implemented an automated email system to nurture leads during the free product trial process. This tactic not only improved the conversion rate from trial to paid customer by 15%, but also freed up time and resources for the sales team.

Performance Analysis and A/B Testing

An email marketer who does A/B testing regularly is in a better position to optimise their campaigns. According to Optimizely, A/B testing can improve email marketing ROI by 20%. A clear example of success is a tech start-up that implemented A/B testing to test different subject lines and email layouts. They found that using shorter subject lines increased open rates by 12%, and that a minimalist design improved click-through rates by 18%. This data-driven approach allowed them to adjust their strategies and maximise the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns.


Do you have a question about what an email marketer does?

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