Research on electronics at the UMA

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Electronics at the UMA

In this post we are going to talk about the research on electronics. Researchers from the University of Malaga are making increasing progress in the study of new organic materials that promote pollution abatement.

These materials are based on silicon and have an economical, plastic and sustainable technology, which will be able to replace existing products.
Scientists Iratxe Arrechea, lexandra Harbuzaru and Guzmán López work from the Field Effect Transistor Fabrication and Characterisation Laboratory, located in the Faculty of Sciences of the UMA, in the physical and chemical characterisation of organic materials and its main activity is to study the behaviour of these elements in electronic devices.
The fundamental objective they pursue is to achieve more efficient, flexible and environmentally friendly products.

During the research on electronics The aim is to be able to substitute inorganic materials, which have lower processability and are more expensive.
Their latest work has enabled them to transport negative charges and has been recognised by the international journal "Angewandte Chemie".



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