Cordoba Strategic Tourism Plan 2015-2019

In order to improve competitiveness as a tourist destination, the CordobaSince 2015, the city has been carrying out a Strategic Planto seek to enhance the value of tourism resources.

Cordoba Strategic Tourism Plan 2015-2019

The following are the objectives and mission of the Cordoba Strategic Tourism Plan 2015-2019.

  1. To have a unique and structured vision of the city's tourism offer and to achieve its understanding in the tourism market.
  2. Strengthen the city's cultural tourism offer - the destination's main attraction -, definitively promote Cordoba as a destination for meeting tourism, and focus on other specific high-potential products that contribute to the differentiation of the destination.
  3. Consolidate the growth in tourism demand achieved in recent years and capture new source markets and demand groups through the specialisation of the destination's offer.
  4. Commitment to technology and innovation as a vehicle to provide Cordoba with all the necessary tools to intensify and improve the efficiency of the promotion of the offer, the marketing of tourism products and the relationship with tourists.
  5. To contribute to improving the competitiveness of companies in the tourism sector in Cordoba and to increase the profitability of tourism in the city.

The operational plan is based on 7 fundamental pillars:

  1. New tourist offerThe development of differential resources. Some examples of how to achieve this objective include the Interpretation Centre of the Immaterial Culture of the Courtyards of Cordoba; Identification and Rehabilitation of complementary courtyards; Cofrade Museum.
  2. Organisation and specialisation of the tourist offer. Some examples of this section are: organisation of tourist flows: creation of tourist routes around the city; specialisation of the offer to atopic markets: Muslim and kosher.
  3. Improving the positioning of the Cordoba destination in the tourism market. By way of example, we can cite: New tourism product management model: Córdoba Experience; Improving the positioning of the new tourism brand.
  4. Promotional efficiency of the destination. Examples of this fourth section include: reinforcement of promotion in priority international markets; Apps + augmented reality; design and dissemination of a single tourist agenda.
  5. Public-private partnerships in marketing. Examples of this point: Córdoba Card; sale of packaged offers; Co-Marketing Renfe.
  6. Quality and innovation of the Córdoba destination. Examples of actions for this objective include: new tourism observatory; product innovation laboratory in collaboration with the sector.
  7. Coordinated destination management. Examples: local tourism coordination unit; technical tourism board; permanent communication with the sector.

These have been the 7 basic pillars on which the Cordoba Strategic Tourism Plan 2015-2019 . For more information, you can go to the website of Cordoba City Council.



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