Cloud grant, cloud technology for your business.

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Cloud Grant

In today's post we present the Cloud grantthe Programme to stimulate demand for cloud computing solutions for small and medium-sized businesses in which will allocate 40.000.000€ in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises through the use of Internet-based technology solutions.

The launch of these grants is imminent, here are the key points of this programme:

What does the aid consist of?

The aim of the Programme is to provide SMEs with support for the adoption of Cloud solutions.

The aid will cover an amount of between 625€ y 15.000€ per beneficiary, corresponding to a percentage, of between 50% and the 80%of the requested eligible budget.

Who can benefit?

SMEs and the self-employedwith fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than 50M€The applicants must have a tax domicile in Spain and have started their activity before the publication of the rules.

What does the programme fund? provides companies with enterprise solution services, for a period of 9 months, based on cloud computing technologies.

You can choose from a catalogue of up to 10 categories of cloud computing solutions.

How can you apply?

PHASE I: Submission of the application form: The application form will be opened on 18 May 2016 and will remain open until 8 June 2016.

PHASE II: Submission of documentation attached to the application: will open on 9 June 2016 and will remain open until 30 June 2016.

 If you are interested in applying for this grant and specifically in the CRM solution visit Cloud Grant or write to us at and you will have all the details.

Cloud technology is the order of the day, don't get left behind, join the cloud!



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