
SEO strategy in the internationalisation process

En AcciónMK somos muy consciente de la importancia que tiene para cualquier empresa el proceso de internacionalización, es por eso por lo que colaboramos junto con Extenda (Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior) en la realización del plan de marketing digital internacional para todas aquellas empresas que se quieran internacionalizar o ya hayan comenzado su proceso […]

What have been the most searched queries in 2018?

During 2018 there have been millions of searches through the Google search engine, of anything; and thanks to the Google Trends tool we can know how many searches have been made on a particular keyword, and we can segment it by cities or by date. In this post we are going to comment on what have been [...]

Best payment method for your online shop according to neurology

Neuroscience has finally put an end to the great debate about which online payment method is better and more reliable for the consumer. On variables such as reward, security and affection; the debit card is the big loser while PayPal comes out on top as a trust generator. Increases the [...]

The marketing scorecard: what is it and how to design it?

When it comes to managing a business, there are key tools that will help us to make the right decisions at the right time. Control models that will support the fulfilment of the objectives set. Among the most commonly used tools, especially in management areas, is the scorecard. The strong potential of this tool is [...]

QUIZ: How much do you know about marketing?

Are you ready to take on this super QUIZ ON MARKETING? We've prepared 10 marketing questions for you to test your marketing knowledge - go ahead and sign up for our newsletter! Receive information about digital marketing, strategic marketing, market research and much more. [contact-form-7 id="5548″ title="Newsletter subscription"]

How to use Bing Webmaster Tools the great unknown

When we talk about improving the organic positioning of our website we almost always think of the great search engine Google, and in many cases we forget other search engines with a lower percentage of searches, such as Bing. Although Google is the search engine with the highest share of searches, we cannot leave aside other search engines because although we are talking about [...]



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