
Strategy or Luck

Contenidos del artículo Estrategias de marketing Estrategias de marketing Ya sea estrategia o suerte, todos respondemos a una tipología que nos caracteriza tanto en el mundo personal como en el empresarial.

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Market research How to set up a business (II)

Contenidos del artículo Plan de Negocio Plan de Negocio Cómo realizar un Plan de Negocio para nuestra empresa fue el tema que comentamos la semana pasada en el blog, esta semana profundizaremos más en ello y empezaremos por el Estudio

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The Business Plan How to set up a company (I)

Every entrepreneurial journey begins with an idea that awakens within us a desire for entrepreneurship, but it is only the seed of a promising future. From the moment we have the idea for the business to the moment we "get up and go

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If you want to create your own brand, know yourself first.

Following our post last week, "Create your own brand: Unique, different and personal", from AcciónMK we want to share with you how to create a brand (personal or corporate) in 5 steps, for that, the first question we have to ask ourselves is: Do you talk about your own brand?

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