
Market study of the agri-food sector

Contents of the article Market study of the agri-food sector Market study of the agri-food sector The food industry sector is the main manufacturing activity in both the EU and Spain. This agri-food sector accounts for 14.6% of the EU's

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Fashion industry: a sector with potential

The fashion industry is one of the most powerful in Spain. In 2015 and 2016 it was consolidated thanks to the economic recovery, which has improved the disposable income of households. The number of companies in 2016 related

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Malaga's economy outperforms the Andalusian average

Contents of the article The economy of Malaga is growing The economy of Malaga is growing Unicaja, through its research firm Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, has revised its growth expectations for the Malaga and regional economy for the remainder of 2017.

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