Do you have a content strategy in your company?

The content marketing is very important because "In digital marketing, content is king". The importance of content on the Internet lies in its influence on the different areas of the digital marketingSearch engine optimisation (SEO), social media strategies, improving usability, e-commerce success, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, etc. In short, for everything.

Benefits of a content strategy for business

  1. Benefits of Content Marketing for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Google prioritises quality content in their search results and since the last update of their algorithm (last year) even more so.

The creating a blog is a great option to have fresh and value-added content for our audience. The blog will be our content marketing strategy centre, being advisable to publish at least one article per week, which can be created by the company or by an external agency.

  1. Benefits of content marketing for social media strategy.

The growing and incessant importance of social networks is resulting in the content takes on more valueIt is the main tool to create and develop a community in social media.

For this reason, a company wishing to implement a social media strategy must have a social media manager. Community Managerwho will be responsible for the generation of quality content demanded by this channel. Although the figure of the Community Manager has more responsibilities than the generation and adaptation of content for the networks, it is one of its most important activities.

  1. Benefits of Content Marketing for usability and conversion

When it comes to the usability and conversion of a website, quality content is essential to improve both. We could summarise the importance of content in the following reasons:

  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Using good content to communicate the company's unique value proposition is really important to improve website conversion. It will be necessary to clearly express and convey why visitors should buy the company's products or services, making it clear how the company is different from others.

  • Communication must lead to action

It will be essential to use expressions that call for action to convert the visitor into a customer. This will increase conversion as the customer is the one in control of the interaction (they are one click away from the competition).

  • Deliver "mountains" of information.

Many usability experts have stated that mountains of information should be delivered as it brings many benefits such as: facilitating the purchase decision, building trust, increasing conversion, etc.

  1. Benefits of content marketing for SEM campaigns (Search Engine Marketing)

Content has two really important aspects that are related to search engine marketing campaigns:

  • Campaign ad copy

The ad copy for PPC campaigns is one of the most important aspects in ensuring our success. By creating a good copy that includes the keywords of interest, the ads will increase the click-through rate (CTR) and thus decrease the value per click.

  • The content of the landing page.

Quality content on our landing page will enable us to convert more visitors into customers for pay-per-click strategies. Landing pages should have adequate and quality content that meets the expectations of our visitor.



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