Aid for the self-employed in Andalusia 2024

Are you self-employed in Andalusia or are you considering embarking on such an adventure soon?? If so, you're in the right place.

In the changing business scenario in Andalusia, Having access to relevant grants and subsidies can make the difference between success and immobility for the self-employed.. In this year 2024, the Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and European Funds has deployed a series of initiatives aimed at boosting economic activity and supporting entrepreneurs on their way to business growth and consolidation.

From AccionMK we provide you with all the information needed to apply for these grants.

Incentives for Business Projects: Andalucía TRADE at your Disposal

Andalusia TRADEin close collaboration with the above-mentioned Regional Ministry, has implemented five lines of incentives for business projectswith a total allocation of 279.16 millionco-financed by ERDF. These carefully designed incentives are primarily aimed at boosting industrial development and promoting investment in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) throughout the Andalusian region.

The calls for these grants, under the non-competitive concurrence regime, will be available from the first days of the year 2024. This early opening provides the self-employed with the unique opportunity to access vital resources that will enable them to expand and strengthen their businesses, thus contributing to the economic dynamism of Andalusia..

How can we be of assistance?

We have a variety of marketing consultancy services designed to help companies make effective decisions and achieve their goals..

Our consultancy services include:

Market Research

We carry out comprehensive market research, including fieldwork and business intelligenceto provide you with accurate and relevant information to help you make informed and strategic decisions.

Strategic Consulting

Our team of strategic consultancy is staffed by highly trained professionals who will help you to develop a integral and personalised plan that fits your business objectives. From identifying your target audience to implementing effective tacticsWe are here to guide you through every step of the process.

Creative Design

In terms of design, we offer creative and original services that will help you stand out in an increasingly competitive market. We strive to create a lasting impression on your potential customers through attractive and high quality designs.

Experience and Personalisation

With almost two decades of experience in the marketing sector, at AccionMK we stand out for our dedication to quality y customisation of each project. We always adapt to the specific needs of our clients and work hard to exceed their expectations in every project we collaborate on.

Google Ads Experts

We are also experts in Google Ads and we offer you direct access to a team of Google-certified professionals. If you're looking to optimise your Google Ads campaigns, we're here to provide you with the tools and resources you need to improve their performance and achieve exceptional results.

Contact us at

If you are interested in request a no-obligation quote or you wish to obtain more information about our servicesPlease do not hesitate to contact contact with us. We are here to help you move towards your marketing goals and take your business to the next level. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you soon.

Boosting Entrepreneurship in Andalusia

The fundamental purpose of these initiatives goes beyond the simple distribution of funds. It is about boosting the activity of Andalusian companiessupporting their internationalisation and ensure that no entrepreneurial project is left behind for lack of public support. From investment projects that boost the local economy to digital transformation, support covers a wide range of business areas.

These incentives represent a financial investment and a strong commitment to sustainable growth in Andalusia. It is a tangible support for innovation, creativity and the entrepreneurial vision that defines the region's entrepreneurial spirit. With this aid, the aim is to create an enabling environment where companies can thrive, expand and compete at national and international level, thus contributing to the economic and social development of Andalusia in the 2024 horizon and beyond.

Industrial Development Grants

The lines of subsidies aimed at supporting industrial development in Andalusia represent a unique opportunity to incentivise projects that not only boost regional economic activityThe aim is not only to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Andalusia, but also to significantly improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in Andalusia. These meticulously designed lines of assistance cover a wide range of wide range of initiativesThe focus is on the creation of new economic activity, from the creation of new economic activity to the digital transformation of business processes.

The fundamental purpose of these subsidy lines is to provide Andalusian companies with the resources and support to enable them to thrive in an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment.. By offering financial incentives and technical assistance, it seeks to encourage innovation, promote efficiency and stimulate sustainable growth in all industrial sectors in the region.

Support for Innovation and Research

In addition to the lines of subsidies for industrial development, Andalusia has also established specific grants for industrial research and experimental development projects. These subsidies represent a significant increase ofilar fundamental pillar in the Andalusian business panorama.The main objective is to promote innovation and research excellence in the region.

As they are aligned with the Smart Specialisation Strategy for Andalusia's SustainabilityThese grants provide crucial support for those seeking to boost innovation in their businesses and contribute to strengthening Andalusia's position as a centre of excellence in research and development at national and international level.

These subsidies are much more than asimple financial supportThey represent a strong commitment to creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem based on innovation, creativity and scientific excellence. By providing resources and opportunities for research and experimental development.

Initial Action Plan: Moving towards the Future

The Governing Board of Andalucía TRADE has given the green light for a Initial Action Plan that outlines a clear and ambitious roadmap for the coming years. This meticulously prepared plan sets out the main strategic and operational objectives that will guide the entity's actions in its commitment to the economic and business development of the region.

Among the objectives outlined in this plan is the firm intention to promote the diversification of the Andalusian production system. This strategy seeks to enhance the variety and competitiveness of regional economic sectors, thus strengthening the resilience of the business fabric in the face of the challenges of the global market.

The plan also aims to internationalise the Andalusian economy, opening new doors and opportunities for the region's companies in international markets.. This initiative not only seeks to expand the reach of Andalusian companies, but also to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing at a global level.

Another primary objective of the Initial Action Plan is to fostering knowledge transfer, promoting synergies between academia and business. This strategic partnership fuels innovation and creativity and contributes to the development of innovative and sustainable business solutions.

In addition, the plan commits to increasing the participation of women in the Andalusian business fabricrecognising the fundamental role played by women in boosting the regional economy. Through concrete measures and specific programmes, Andalucía TRADE aims to remove barriers and promote equal opportunities in the business world.

Specific Aid for the Self-Employed: Boost your Business

For the self-employed in AndalusiaThese initiatives represent a key pillar in maximising their potential and growing their businesses. The region has put in place a series of concrete measures to support those who decide to become self-employed, providing vital support at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey.

Among the aid available, the following are worth mentioning Social Security reductions and rebates, designed to ease the financial burden at critical times and provide financial respite for the self-employed.. These measures benefit those who are starting a self-employed activity and also those who are facing situations such as maternity, paternity or caring for sick family members.

In addition, the possibility of capitalising unemployment benefit opens a door of opportunity for those looking to start their own business. This measure, which seeks to encourage and facilitate self-employment initiatives, allows unemployment benefit recipients to invest in their own business project, thus boosting economic activity and job creation in the region.

Moreover, work-life balance bonuses linked to hiring offer an additional incentive for those self-employed who decide to hire employees, facilitating work-life balance and promoting job creation in the self-employed sphere.

Zero Quota and Other Allowances: Easing the Way

Within the panorama of support for entrepreneurship and business activity in Andalusia, the following stand out initiatives such as the zero quota, which provides an opportunity for the new self-employed in the region. This measure allows those venturing into the business world to enjoy a 100% rebate on the self-employed quota during the first year of activity.

The zero quota not only represents a financial relief for entrepreneurs in their first steps, but it is also a a clear indicator of Andalusia's commitment to economic growth and sustainable business development. By temporarily eliminating the financial burden associated with self-employment fees, the region seeks to incentivise the creation of new businesses and job creation, laying the foundations for a dynamic and thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.

How to make the most of the aid for the self-employed in Andalusia?

Undoubtedly, the year 2024 will be a crucial moment for the self-employed in Andalusia, as it will open up new doors of opportunity thanks to the various grants and subsidies available.

From incentives for business projects to specific measures designed to support the self-employed, the range of possibilities is wide and diverse.

In this context, Key 3 emerges as a key strategic partner. Specialising in grant and tender managementoffer a comprehensive and personalised approach to maximising funding opportunities and optimising available resources.

Its multidisciplinary team of experts, with a deep understanding of the Andalusian business environment, is dedicated to accompany you every step of the way. From the identification of the most appropriate grants to the preparation and submission of applications.

You will have access to financing solutions tailored to your specific needsThe range of activities covers everything from R&D&I management to subsidised procurement.

Rely on AccionMK and Clave 3 to convert your challenges into opportunitiesand together let's make the potential of your business in the dynamic 21st century Andalusian business scenario..

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