The evolution of the Andalusia Technology Park

The Andalusia Technology Park celebrated its 25th anniversary yesterday, 27th November, with an emotional event held at the Trade Fair Centre in Malaga. The event was attended by a large number of entrepreneurs of the technopolis and institutional representatives, such as the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz.

president of the Junta de Andalucía

The president reported that it has been possible to abandon localisms and attract international companies (60 out of 635 companies in the PTA are foreign), becoming a showcase to attract international companies.

The president was surrounded by the mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la TorreThe Employment Counsellor, Javier CarneroThe delegate of the Andalusian Government and the president of the PTA, Jose Luis Ruíz Espejothe president of Unicaja, Manuel Azuagathe rector of the UMA, Jose Angel Narvaezand the president of the international association of parks (IASP), Luis Sanz.

25 years of the PTAEvolution of the Andalusia Technology Park

We now turn to comment on the key figures related to the AWP:

- 635 companies and around 18,000 workers at the end of 2016.
- Invoicing of companies in the PTA in 2016 is 1.75 billion.
• La investment in the PTA has reached 755.5 million for urban planning, construction, infrastructure and facilities.
- Total area of the AWP: 222 hectares
- Built-up area: 410.000m2
- Number of buildings: 92
- 7 Technology and R&D centres
- 9 Accelerators and incubators

The PTA represents the 7,95% of the GDP of the province of Malaga and 1.6% of Andalusia's GDP.
The PTA represents the 8.27% of employment in the province and 1.65% at regional level.

The total number of companies that have come to the PTA since its inception has been 1,640 companies.

Since its beginnings, the PTA has had a strong international vocation. The existence of a large group of workers linked to information technologies has led to the arrival of multinationals, which are currently joined by small international companies from Europe, Asia and America, favouring the growth and maintenance of employment in the park.



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