Andalusia one step closer to becoming a fully smart destination

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Smart destination

Andalusia has taken the necessary step to become a smart destinationstarting to implement the digital strategyThis will be based on the improvement of the promotion and information portal. www.andalucia.orgwhich will be converted into a service platform focused on both the professional and the user.

To this end, the Public Company for the Management of Tourism and Sport in Andalusia has awarded the contract for the implementation of the new portal strategy to Guadaltel, after a 25.7% reduction on the initial tender budget.

One of the main axes on which the digital strategy improvement plan will be the creation of an intelligent destination management system based on open source software that is scalable and flexible in the medium term.

As stated in the tender specifications, the main aims of this management system will be to increase traveller loyalty, attract new markets and support SMEs in the areas of digital transformation and new marketing strategies.

In addition, the portal is intended to make content recommendations based on the user's browsing habitsThe aim is to build loyalty with personalised content or similar.

Similarly, the platform should enable the creation of campaigns, the segmentation of target audiences, as well as the possibility of create blogsThe area should have a concrete area where the user plan your trip and can share it with other tourists. It will also be essential to inclusion of one of the most visited contents: a calendar of events..

The platform will integrate Andalusia MapsIt is also developed by Guadaltel, a company that belongs to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector and has offices in Madrid, Seville and Valencia, as the company points out on its website.

The main value of the smart destination according to the Horizon 2020 Tourism Marketing Plan is to increase competitiveness and positioning through innovation.



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