We support the Diputación de Málaga with a project of La Noria.

AccionMK is promoting La Noria through the new specialised communication plan exposing its brand as a reference figure and social innovation in Europe.

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Pioneering project in La Noria

It is a pride and a great challenge to support with ActionMK the Diputación de Málaga in one of its pioneering projects such as the La Noria social innovation centre, promoting innovation and social entrepreneurship among the entire business network, associations and civil society.

For this purpose, the Delegation of Equality and Social Innovation of the institution has awarded the contract to AcciónMK for the "Programme for the management of the communication and dissemination tools of the La Noria social innovation centre".

The service, which will last for two years, includes consultancy, management and maintenance of the web platform. www.malaga.es/lanoriaWe support the implementation of dissemination campaigns, online communication and community manager services.

AcciónMK's track record and its work with NGOs from the third and fourth sectors, public institutions, social enterprises and entrepreneurial initiatives, justify the Provincial Council's commitment to specialised dissemination services to improve the quality of its communications.

The digital positioning of the Diputación de Málaga's La Noria brand will enable it to expand its contacts with numerous social agents and communities, creating synergies and shared value, as dictated by the objectives of social innovation.

La Noria was born with the aim of providing a transformative response to the problems of today's society, intended to serve as a source of new solutions to the challenges of the 21st century.. This 2018 has completed its fifth year of operation after hosting the initiatives of a total of 400 social entities. More than 49,000 people have benefited from the social innovation actions developed in the centre.

The innovations that La Noria works on in disciplines such as the environment, gender equality, new technologies, creativity, inclusion and social entrepreneurship, among others, will be the focus of AcciónMK's communication work.

The centre for social innovation has become a national and international benchmark. The recognition received in its first five years of life, endorse it. Entities from countries such as Canada, Denmark, Italy and Portugal have visited the centre to learn first-hand about the way of working promoted by the centre in order to be able to apply it to their environment.



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